Refund policy
30 Day Returns
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply return it within 30 days for an exchange or full refund. If your item meets with our returns criteria we will reimburse you no later than 14 days from the day on which we receive the returned goods. We will use the same means of payment as you used for the order, and you will not incur any fees for such reimbursement.
In order for your purchase to be eligible for a return, please make sure that:
- The item is returned within 30 days of receipt
- The item is returned in the original packaging
- The item is unused and not damaged
- You have the receipt or proof of purchase
Unfortunately, any products that have been personalised are non-refundable. Due to hygiene reasons, earrings cannot be returned if the hygiene seal has been broken.
Your Order Cancellation Rights
You are entitled to cancel your order within 14 days without giving any reason for doing so.
The deadline for cancelling an order is 14 days from the date on which you received the goods or on which a third party you have appointed, who is not the carrier, takes possession of the product delivered.
In order to exercise your right of cancellation, you must inform us of your decision by means of a clear statement. You can inform us of your decision by:
By email:
By visiting this page on our website:
We will reimburse you no later than 14 days from the day on which we receive the returned goods. We will use the same means of payment as you used for the order, and you will not incur any fees for such reimbursement.
How to Return an Order
You are responsible for the cost and risk of returning the goods to us. You should send the goods at the following address:
BJB Ltd T/A Created Brilliance
14 Kirby Street
United Kingdom
We cannot be held responsible for goods damaged or lost in return shipment. Therefore, we recommend an insured and trackable mail service. We are unable to issue a refund without actual receipt of the goods or proof of received return delivery.
If you need to exchange a product for the same one, contact us. Please note that we only replace goods you received defective or damaged.
If the Goods were marked as a gift when purchased and then shipped directly to you, you'll receive a gift credit for the value of your return. Once the returned product is received, a gift certificate will be mailed to you.
If the Goods weren't marked as a gift when purchased, or the gift giver had the order shipped to themselves to give it to uou later, We will send the refund to the gift giver.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us:
By email:
By visiting this page on our website:
Lifetime Manufacturing Warranty
We take pride in crafting jewellery of the highest quality and are confident in the longevity of our products. That’s why we offer lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects on all items purchased from our official website.
Read our lifetime warranty page for more information.