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Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

For most people trying on a diamond, they know it’s the real thing from when the light catches it, and that unmistakable sparkle appears. For experts, they can look deep into the heart of a diamond to tell you about its quality, colour and value.

But what the majority of people couldn’t tell you, is whether your diamond was grown in a lab or hacked out of a mine. Because the truth is, when your lab grown diamond is nestled within its gold setting on a ring, it’s pretty much impossible to tell.

When we’re comparing lab grown diamonds vs real diamonds, the difference is in the creation, not the final product.

  • Lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds are identical in their chemical composition
  • The main difference between lab grown and natural diamonds is their origin
  • There are ways to tell the difference between the two but only using specialist equipment

Lab grown vs natural diamonds – what are the key differences and similarities?

We’ve summarized the similarities and differences between lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds. 


Lab Grown Diamonds

Natural Diamonds





Both are made from carbon atoms

Refractive Index



This is how much light is slowed down by the diamond




Dispersion in diamonds is how the white light splits into the spectrum of colours




This is how hard it is – diamonds have high density due to the structure of the carbon atoms




It is impossible to tell the difference between lab grown and natural diamonds using the naked eye. Experts use high-tech equipment to tell the difference.


A laboratory

The Earth

Lab grown diamonds are grown in a laboratory. Natural diamonds are formed in the Earth and mined.

Time to grow

A few weeks

Billions of years

Lab grown diamonds take only a few weeks to grow, whereas natural diamonds take billions of years.



More expensive

As lab grown diamonds are more affordable, you can afford a higher quality, higher carat diamond for your budget


How to detect lab grown diamonds?

It’s impossible to tell the difference between lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds using the naked eye. Traditional, ‘old-style’ diamond detectors are also not able to tell them apart.

Gemmologists require specialty, high-tech equipment to differentiate between natural and lab grown diamonds. One method of detection that is used by experts is analysing a diamond’s growth pattern.

At Created Brilliance, we use Sheffield Assay Office’s diamond screening service to verify all our lab grown diamonds - and each item is issued an authenticity certificate. They use industry-leading technology to verify any diamond sent to them.


The difference between lab diamond and natural diamond?

The truth is, that the majority of people would never know the diamond in your lab grown diamond ring is lab grown.

Lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds are chemically identical. The only tell might be that your loved one gets a bigger diamond than expected as lab grown diamonds are more affordable.

Want to discover what carat diamond you can get on your budget? Check out our full range of lab grown diamond products. 

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